Sex Problems With Alcohol – Alcohol is not Enhancing Sex

Alcohol is a social lubricant for sure. Drinking it makes people happier and fosters sexual feelings. In the words of William Shakespeare “alcohol provokes the desire, it takes away the performance”. However, alcohol is not boosting sex. In fact, there are a lot of health…

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Which Foods Boost Pheromones Production

Do you want to know which foods boost pheromones production? Pheromone count largely depends on raising testosterone levels. So in this article, I will point out the many ways how to boost this amazing hormone. Read on to learn which foods a man must eat…

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What are Pheromones and do they Help Mating?

Do you want to know what are pheromones and how they can help mating? Pheromones are the scents of attraction. From creatures such as the moth to the mice. All of these emit chemical signals targeted towards enticing their mate. Organisms release the band of…

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