Alcohol and Testosterone

This post is going to explore the link between alcohol and testosterone. Alcohol causes many health problems including sex ones. The first thing to know is what happens when you drink alcohol. Next, this post will show 5 impacts that alcohol has and how this…

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Sex Problems With Alcohol – Alcohol is not Enhancing Sex

Alcohol is a social lubricant for sure. Drinking it makes people happier and fosters sexual feelings. In the words of William Shakespeare “alcohol provokes the desire, it takes away the performance”. However, alcohol is not boosting sex. In fact, there are a lot of health…

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Foods to Avoid for Testosterone

In this article, you will learn the 6 foods to avoid for testosterone. Testosterone is primarily a male hormone. Its importance in the male physiology is higher than for women. It is the hormone that boosts masculinity. And it has a huge impact on the reproductive system.…

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