Because you’re about to set off a nuclear bomb of positive reactions inside of your masculinity that are going to make you a force to be reckoned with.
No matter where you are in your life now…
You’re about to do a total 180 in your personal and I’m thrilled and proud to be a part of it.
Now, since you’re on the inside here with the true beasts of the manly realms…
I want to give you an opportunity.
But I have to warn you…
This is definitely NOT for the faint of heart.
This is not one of those “feel good,” namby-pamby, kumbaya kind of opportunities that most male health coaches give you.
In fact…right now, I want you to imagine that you’re Luke Skywalker right at the end of The Empire Strikes Back…
You were just in a lightsaber duel with a dark enemy who used their superior fighting skill to cripple you and make you less than you could be…
Like a Dark Lord of the Sith that cuts off your member and tosses it down an elevator shaft…never to be found again.
The forces that pull you away from your core masculinity, that weaken you and kill the manly beast you have sleeping inside are stronger than you know…
And I also know that environment beats resolve…every, single, time.
You simply can’t win against a modern world and lifestyle that’s designed to work against you.
That’s designed to cut you away from the beast you were meant to be…
That’s why in your darkest moment, when you feel like you’ve been beaten…
I want to offer a life preserver.
Like Vader offered Luke.
“Join me and together…we’ll rule the galaxy.”
But instead…join me and together…we’ll rule your man destiny and we’ll revive the flames that once burned in your masculine furnace and unleash the hell that lives inside.
So I want to give you this one shot.
This one opportunity to join me inside of my private Facebook Group called “The Masters of Manhood.”
It’s a special, insiders only group of dudes from all over the world with me at the helm…
Our mission is simple…
We are going to make YOU the fiercest, most dominant, most powerful being that you personally know.
I’m going to be able to personally critique your daily ritual.
I’m going to be able to surgically open up your life and see inside…see all the little nooks and crannies of your daily routine that are stealing your man prowess and shriveling your manly potential.
Because it’s our rituals that make us who we are…
It’s not fancy herbal supplements…
Heck…it’s not even drinking a few glasses of energy amplifying juice that are going to give you the power to completely rebuild your life.
And in it’s place build a glowing monument of powerful masculinity that women stand in awe of and other men admire.
It’s your rituals, your habits, and your life that make you this kind of man.
In this private Facebook group, you will access:
- A brotherhood of men sharing the same challenges, freely sharing their insight and support, practically forcing you to become the absolute best version of yourself possible.
- Every week you'll get a fresh new juice recipe loaded with the nutrients to blast your manhood to the stratosphere so that you always have plenty of variety in your routine.
- A weekly exclusive article about nutrition and fitness specially tailored to men who want to be fierce modern warriors at any age.
- We'll hold weekly Q & A sessions where I can help you personally with any of your pitfalls so you don't lose your momentum on your path to become the manly beast you know deep down you were born to be.
And I am not alone in this, You are going to have access to experts giving you tips to improve yourself in different facets of your life.
Here are the Masters of Manhood coaches:
Tom Talbot
Tom Talbot is an expert in helping men alter their psychological hardware to take conscious control of their emotions. He's passionate about helping men build themselves into the dominant animals women really want (even if they say they like sweet, gentle men).
He enjoys pushing boundaries, challenging prevailing thought, and helping men use their emotions to make themselves stronger, more masculine, and more successful.
Mauricio Huarta
Known worldwide as one of the industry's leading body transformation experts and best-selling Author, Mauricio has committed himself to helping people achieve amazing bodies without sacrificing tasty foods and their sanity. His articles have been featured in several popular websites and his top clients often rave about how obsessed he is with getting them amazing results.
He enjoys working for days non-stop, challenging himself and those around him, and teaching people his secrets on how to look good naked.
Dan Santiago
Dan Santiago is a personal, dating and relationship coach, a musician, an NLP master practitioner and an Oral Surgeon based in Santiago, Chile. Once fat and married, became jacked and divorced and he's here to teach all the do's and don'ts for men of any age to have the women, the relationship and the lifestyle they truly want.
Patrik Karlsson
Patrik Karlsson, author of the book Awaken The Beast Within, is known as "The Honest International Kaizen Coach"
Patrik Karlsson is often asked, "What do you do?" He never wavers: " I liberate men from the shackles of society". Patrik has worked with the best coaches in America. He is known for learning from multiple big shots in the coaching industry and New York Times bestsellers. Patrik Karlsson is quickly becoming the most sought-after coach in lifestyle and happiness.
Olivier Langlois
I have developed a new passion for juicing and have done a lot of experiments with juicing and more particularly with foods possessing healing properties. It is my belief that it is your right to take back your power and spread pleasure all around the place. So have fun, enjoy your juicing and your journey to learn how to mix fruits and vegetable to increase your virility. My mission is to teach men to reinvigorate their lives using the power of juicing.
Now…I’m sure you’re feeling a little uncertain.
I mean, let’s be honest…
It sounds great right?
But you may have been part of other Facebook groups in the past.
And I know what you’re thinking because I feel the same way…