Day 3: Work it Out


Day 1: Get rid of EDCS

Day 2: Buy organic foods that boost your testosterone

Let’s come back to Day 2 challenge for one minute…

Did you go to the grocery and bought some or most these vegetables and fruits (might be impossible to find them all depending on the season…)?

Good. I’m proud you did. That makes me proud of you as a new Team Juicing Masters member!

As you know, we stay away from the sea of mediocrity and we take action every day to improve our manhood and health!

Day 2 challenge was a good one but greater ones are ahead of us because, if you are like me, you have a lot of passions and skills. Cooking is not part of them.

You will see that knowing that eating avocado, spinach and white mushrooms will help you to increase your T levels is one thing. It is actually a totally different thing to actually do it.

All Team Juicing Masters members, You and I included know this:

Juicing is the #1 method that is fast, easy, fun and exciting to reclaim your manhood

and this why I created Juicing For Your Manhood to help you to achieve this goal…

Now let’s go back on day 3 challenge…

Today I want to talk to you about the importance of exercise and testosterone levels. However, not just any exercise. Did you know there are certain exercises that you can do to boost your testosterone? So, that’s what we will focus on.

If you heard of HIIT – High-Intensity Interval Training – You know how useful, it is for getting stellar results. HIIT is a form of cardio where you will alternate between moderate intensity and high-intensity workouts in a short period. It has been shown that short intense workouts can increase testosterone levels, as well as prevent the levels from dropping.

Your challenge today- Try a new HIIT workout today. The best thing about HIIT is, it should only take you no more than 30 minutes to get the full benefits! We want to keep it simple until you get the hang of it. Try this 15 minute HIIT workout today:

  1. Workout for 30 seconds
  2. Jog for 30 seconds
  3. Sprint for 30 seconds
  4. Repeat 14 times

Juice recipe of the day!

1 Dark red apple

1 slice of a watermelon

1 lemon

Put in a blender, blend and drink! This juice concoction works because it does the following:

  • Cleanses the kidneys
  • Increases testosterone
  • Regulates digestive tract

Look out for an email tomorrow about getting wet and cold to boost your T- levels!




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